10 Success Lessons My Cute Daughter Taught Me

Foram Jignesh Rathod

If you love children, you might have noticed that you got to learn so many things from them. Children learn everything faster than adults, but they also teach us some important success lessons. If you don't know, I am a proud father of Foram Rathod, my 3-year-old lovely daughter. Foram is very stubborn and naughty ...

Top Motivational Quotes That Led Me to Success

Thomas Edison's most remarkable invention was the light bulb, which took about 1000 tries before finally making a successful bulb. A reporter asked Edison, "How did it feel failing 1000 times?" Edison replied, "I didn't fail 1000 times, the light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps." Life is full of ups and downs. During failure, ...

28 Awesome Ways to Save Your Time For More Success

Save Time

Which problem does everyone have? You will hear 'I don't have time' from almost everyone. Time is the most valuable and most important asset. If you are good at managing your time, you are more efficient in your all work. A successful person's important secret is ability to manage time. Unfortunately we cannot add hours to ...